Tweenies & Toddlers Environment (Blossoms)
Our Blossoms room is located on the middle floor, designed for children to start learning how to be independent. In addition to a changing area, Blossoms have access to children sized toilets, potty’s and sinks, allowing the children to become familiar with hygiene routines such as hand washing, teeth cleaning and toileting.
A carpet area is used for planned and child-initiated activities such as construction, role play and small world. Staff plan activities according the children’s individual interests and needs, allowing children to learn through play opportunities, their peers and their carers. Cushions, soft chairs and sofas provide a quiet area for children to relax and look at picture books with friends and carers. This area is used after lunch for children’s naps. Mats are laid out with laundered sheets and blankets and children are soothed to sleep by soft music and familiar staff.
The lino area is busy with children exploring a range of media with all of their senses. Hearing the crunch of cornflakes, seeing the marks they make with paint, smelling scented play-doh and touching soft textured materials.
This area has child-sized colourful tables and chairs where the children eat their meals together. In this room, Pink Monkeys begin to learn how to feed themselves using utensils with support and encouragement from staff. Children and staff sit together at this time learning the social skills surrounding a family meal time.
Like all age groups, the toddlers will also benefit from the use of our all weather indoor/outdoor play space and it’s amazing jungle gym, as well as outdoor trips to extend their learning beyond the nursery and into the wider world!