May has been a fun filled month where the children have enjoyed participating in lots of fun and exciting activities!
This year, we all participated in pyjama-rama for the first time! The children and carers all came to nursery wearing their comfiest pyjamas and read their favourite bedtime stories with their friends and carers.
We also celebrated Eid as a nursery where we learnt about why Eid is celebrated. The children enjoyed discovering various roleplay related to Eid such as, drawing Henna patterns on printed hands, dressing up with bangles having an Eid feast and making moon and star decorations.
Blue Monkeys have had fun as they enjoyed creating their own ‘creation station’ art display board. The children used paint, crayons and chalk to decorate the background of their display ready to peg their amazing masterpieces up.
Pink Monkeys have enjoyed creating a summer display board where they made sunflowers by gluing and sticking yellow and black pieces of card together as well as making ladybirds by finger painting black spots onto red card! The children in Pink Monkeys have also been improving their balance as they practiced balancing on the balance beams.
Red Monkeys have begun exploring time and becoming familiar with clocks as they completed the wooden clock puzzles where they put the numbers into the correct order. The children then practiced telling the time on the hour and had fun exploring clocks by moving the handles around the different numbers. Some of the children in Red Monkeys have been exploring the letters of their name through a range of activities such as tracing over letters of the alphabet in flour to practicing forming letters using pencils on paper.
We are looking forward to another busy month of celebrations in June and can’t wait to tell you all about it!